Strict warning for all Distributor's (Please provide correct banking details before Activate your self)
(Kindly note:- Before submit fill all forms carefully (compulsory) If you submit any incomplete or wrong form after that penalty charges will be Rs.236/- and company can immediately block your I'd permanently. It's a request to read and fill all the form in a correct manner.
Sponsor Details (referral details)
Sponsor id (referral id) very carefully enter your sponsor details *
Sponsor Name (referral name) recheck your sponsor name *
very carefully select your business team as per your choice *
Personal Details company name not allow:
Full Name (same as per mention in your bank account) *
Your own main mobile no. (OTP will be receive on same mobile no) if wrong Rs.236 penalty *
Alternate mobile No.
Email Id (OTP will be receive on same email id) (if wrong Rs.236 penalty)
Gender *
Marital Status (if wrong Rs.236 penalty) *
Date Of Birth (if wrong Rs.236 penalty)
Pan Number- One pan card only 1 business I'd allowed (Note:- If you are submit wrong pancard your ID will be terminate permanently) if wrong Rs.236 penalty *
According to Government IT rules (kindly confirm has your PAN Card been linked to your Aadhar Card or not) *
Aadhar card number compulsory (without aadhar card you can not join) *
GST Number
Blood group
Your compnay name
Nominee Details (ongoing income even after your death)
Nominee name
Relationship with nominee
Be careful don't disclose your login password & transaction password to anyone:
Login Password (don't disclose your password to anybody) *
Confirm Login Password (don't disclose your password to anybody) *
Transaction Password (don't disclose your password to anybody) *
Please provide complete in details address compulsory & correct for product delivery (if wrong Rs.236 penalty):
Compulsory Name,Mobile No,City,Village,District,State,pincode mention here in single column) for product delivery if wrong Rs.236 penalty *
Re-enter your state compulsory (if wrong Rs.236 penalty) *
Re-enter your district/city/village name compulsory (if wrong Rs.236 penalty) *
Re-enter your area pin code compulsory (if wrong Rs.236 penalty) *
Please provide compulsory & correct bank details (if wrong Rs.236 penalty):
Account Holder Name (all as per Bank Accounts) (if wrong Rs.236 penalty) *
Bank Name (if wrong Rs.236 penalty) Gramin & Co-Operative bank not allowed *
Bank Account No. (if wrong Rs.236 penalty) Gramin & Co-Operative bank not allowed *
Account Type (if wrong Rs.236 penalty) Gramin & Co-Operative bank not allowed *
Branch Name (if wrong Rs.236 penalty) Gramin & Co-Operative bank not allowed *
IFSC Code (if wrong Rs.236 penalty) Gramin & Co-Operative bank not allowed *
Compulsory Click on below terms & conditions disclaimer ebiotorium company policy link bofore submit:
Please click first on this Terms and conditions link and read all terms & conditions all legal disclaimer rules regulations of ebiotorium network pvt. ltd. company business and product refund policy (after reading the all & if you are don't agree with ebiotorium company's any conditions policy you don't accept & don't submit just click on cancel)